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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for March 13, 2024

Eating right and a disciplined life will be the key to your good health. Financially, you may find yourself on the downswing. A long-winded project is likely to be near completion. The bad mood of a family member can spoil the domestic environment. This may not be the best day for a long journey. Construction on a plot of land may be given the go-ahead. You may need to keep in constant touch with someone to know the progress on the academic front.
Love Focus: Those trying to attract a mate are likely to take the next important step.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Interest in health foods is likely to be awakened in some. Wasteful expenditure may threaten to empty your coffers. Professionally a good phase begins that will give you an edge over others. A youngster may start contributing to the family coffers through own earnings. This is a good day for travelling long distance. A home loan is likely to be repaid finally and a new house possessed.
Love Focus: Forming a new relationship on the romantic front is an exciting possibility.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Green
You are likely to focus on health now and succeed in your efforts to keep physically fit. Money coming from several sources is likely to raise your spirits. A perfect day for people involved in any kind of trade. Family will create the right atmosphere for you to work uninterrupted. Those travelling can expect to have a comfortable journey. Construction on a plot of land may be given the go-ahead.
Love Focus: Young lovers are likely to spend the day together.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Irregular hours can tell on your health, so set your life in order. The financial situation can cause a bit of a worry for some. Those waiting for a lucky break on the career front will do well to continue in whatever job they are. A celebration on the domestic front is in the offing and will keep you in an upbeat mood. Driving to enjoy the weather is very much on the cards for some youngsters. Steps taken on the property front will be lauded by all.
Love Focus: Someone’s false promises and sweet talk may sway you on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey
You will be regular in your workout and enjoy good health. Cost cutting measures instituted by you are poised to bring instant results. You are likely to derive much satisfaction from work today. Someone in the family is likely to raise your prestige. Good time lies ahead for those planning to travel abroad. A property may be acquired by some.
Love Focus: Maybe it is the weather or your mood, you are likely to feel quite romantic today!
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
Outside help in coming back in shape is likely to work wonders. Wrong investments may make you lose money. A promising project will help those in the creative field to earn well. In-house problems may make you take a drastic step. Those on a vacation can spend the day in a most boring place. Going in for a property at this juncture will prove beneficial. Some more hard work is required for achieving what you have set out for on the academic front.
Love Focus: Some of you can take steps at mending a strained relationship.
Lucky Number:11
Lucky Colour: Red
A minor health problem may require immediate attention before it becomes major. The present financial situation may need your attention. Going on the professional will be easy today and give you time to clear the backlog. Insensitivity of your partner may hurt your feelings on the home front. Those travelling long distances will find the going smooth and comfortable. Today’s the day for those thinking of buying or selling property.
Love Focus: Romance blooms for those seeking love.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Cream
You can be seized by the desire to gain perfect health. Extra money can tempt you to indulge in a bit of luxury! You may have to put extra hours at work just to clear the backlog. You can organise a party at home just to reciprocate someone’s kind gesture. A trekking or strenuous outdoor activity can prove fatiguing, so don’t overdo things. Money pours in through a property deals.
Love Focus: You will manage to take out time for a spot of romance with the one you love.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Golden
Health-wise things look up, especially for those who have been ailing for long. A deal promises to bring you into big money. You will spend the day planning this or that and generally remaining immersed in work. Tips of a family elder will help you in keeping domestic tensions at bay. Avoid long distance travel today. property is likely to be sold for a good profit.
Love Focus: Those in love are likely to have fun with an opposite number.
Lucky Number:2
Lucky Colour: Light Pink
An old ailment is likely to recur and trouble you on the health front. You may feel reluctant to invest in a scheme in a big way. A meeting or seminar at work can keep you engaged. A family issue shows all signs of spoiling the domestic harmony. Trekking or going to a far of place on a bicycle will prove both exciting and refreshing. A decision on the property front is likely to be given in your favour. Academic success is your aim, but you will have to give it your best shot.
Love Focus: Lover’s loving embrace will help you forget your troubles.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Purple
You are likely to keep fit by keeping yourself active. It is best not to splurge till financial front is fully stabilised. Winning a lucrative contract is on the cards for some businesspersons. If you are looking for peace on the home front, you are in luck. You are likely to become part of a fun trip. Property dispute can give some sleepless nights. Good preparation blended with luck may find you sailing smoothly on the academic front.
Love Focus: Beauty care will keep some in the reckoning on the romantic front!
Lucky Number:3
Lucky Colour: Peach
A fitness routine may be taken up. Moneywise there seems to be no worries. You can take too much work on your shoulders and find it difficult to do justice to any. Negativity on the domestic front can get you depressed and irritable. Avoid driving in traffic or using busy roads on foot as stars are not favourable. Doubts on the academic front are likely to get clearer by your well-wishers. You may feel fatigued, but someone will be there to perk up your mood.
Love Focus: Care and support of spouse or lover will provide a sense of immense fulfilment.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Silver
